Adult Ministries
Our community is dedicated to providing support and companionship for people at all stages of life and faith. We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse congregation with our varying studies and classes described below.
Pairs & Spares
Pairs & Spares is a Sunday School group comprised of singles and couples of all ages. They explore God's word through many different studies for an applicable and practical participation in today's world. They meet every Sunday at 9:45am. Currently the group is completing a study by Bishop Bruce Blake on the Library, an in-depth look at the bible.
Pastor Sara's Winter Study
Join Pastor Sara for a 6-week study on “Bible Stories for Grown-Ups: Reading Scripture with New Eyes” by Josh Scott. The study looks at familiar Bible stories and reveals new details and interpretations for an adult audience. Classes will take place on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and Thursday mornings at 10:00am beginning January 15th and 16th in the Welcome Center. You can purchase the book for the study at Cokesbury and Amazon.
Jim Johnson’s Tuesday Morning Class
Every Tuesday morning @9:30am this semester Pastor Jim Johnson will be teaching the Gospel of John. The study begins February 4th in the Welcome Center. Group members are invited to bring breakfast snacks. John’s gospel offers readers a new language - of being born anew, of living water, of wind and spirit and how we experience the divine as we participate in the mystery of faith. The study of John’s gospel includes unpacking the stories in their original context, along with examining how the text is read today. The following topics will be covered: 1) The Wedding at Cana; 2) Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well; 3) The Healing of the Blind Man at the Pool; 4) The Man Born Blind; 5) The Foot Washing; 6) Mary Magdalene and Doubting Thomas. Amy Jill-Levine’s commentary on the Gospel of John will provide direction in the study. Books can be ordered from Cokesbury or Amazon. This will be an exciting and informative study reflecting on John’s message for us today.
Donna Huie's Upper Room Class
Donna's class will be held via Zoom every Wednesday morning at 9:00am. Anyone is welcome to join this class at anytime. Upper Room Devotionals can be found in the SUMC Fellowship Hall, so no need to purchase anything. If you're thinking about joining please contact the SUMC church office for the link! We hope to see you via Zoom soon!!